Introduction to Neo4j Graph Database

“Intro to Neo4j, a leading open-source graph database, and a couple of tales from the trenches.”

Development Hall 45 min


  • What is it about?

    Michal: I'll introduce Neo4j, an open-source graph (NOSQL) database and talk about some war stories.

  • What will the visitors get from it?

    Michal: They will boraden their NOSQL horizon by another exciting technology, which is fundamentally different from document, column-family and key-value stores. They will understand what kind of problems graph database solve and what isn't their sweet spot. They will learn a couple of tips and tricks in case they do decide to use Neo4j, or have already done so.

  • For whom it is?

    Michal: For all developers, who have never heard of graph databases as well as those who are currently in the decision-making phase of replacing/complementing their relational database. Those who are already using Neo4j will learn a couple of new tricks and find out what's hot.

  • What do I presently work at?

    Michal: I spend about half of my time gaining experience by designing software and writing code for various clients, big (Fortune 500) and small (startups). The other half, I'm trying to pass on my experience by training, consulting, and co-authoring my first book.

  • Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?

    Michal: In years 2008 - 2010, we developed quite a cool system for data acquisition and analysis on the British Railway in a very small team, practically from scratch. Since then, the system has been live with minimal maintenance, processing over million events a day. I mostly value the vast amount of experience gained from the project.

  • What would I like to achieve?

    Michal: I'd like to contribute to a positive development in terms of software quality. I believe that we should be a little embarrassed when we compare the quality of software products to other industries. I'd like to see more quality developers, architects and high-added-value products. Starting with myself, I'm starting a MSc. in Computing at Imperial College London this Autumn.

  • What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Michal: I'm looking forward to speaking in Czech in front of so many people. It will be my premiere. It will be quite challenging, given the fact that I acquired all my professional knowledge in English. I'm also very much looking forward to the networking bit of WebExpo.

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Michal Bachman

Senior Consultant OpenCredo