On the way to the world
“myschoolnotebook.com, skolnisesit.cz, startup, global company”
Business Hall 30 min
What is it about?
Jakub: To the visitors I want to demonstrate the differences between building up the local and the global startup. What are the obstacles while building a global startup from the Czech republic, and how to overcome them. What we are successful in and what we messed up on the contrary, and why. What have we learned during that time, what to focus on, etc.
What will the visitors get from it?
Jakub: I would like to motivate the visitors, in the first place, to launch something their own and to show them mistakes we did, that they may not repeat :)
For whom it is?
Jakub: For all who is interested in startups and the internet entrepreneurship.
What do I presently work at?
Jakub: Contemporary I'm the CEO of the mySchoolNotebook.com startup and the owner of Flow Media internet agency. We do design and the web and mobile apps development.
Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?
Jakub: It's hard to tell, I value my each tiny step, that creates the success in result.
What would I like to achieve?
Jakub: I'd like to change the world :-)
What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?
Jakub: I look forward to see a lot of interesting people at one place.
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