PHPUnit Best Practices

“Leverage PHPUnit for more effective testing”

Development Hall 45 min


  • What is it about?

    Sebastian: While PHPUnit is not difficult to set up and writing tests with it is easy, you will get better results and save development time if you know the tips and tricks to leverage PHPUnit more effectively.

  • What will the visitors get from it?

    Sebastian: I will teach best practices you can use to ensure that your unit testing effort is efficiently implemented.

  • For whom it is?

    Sebastian: This session is geared towards developers who already use PHPUnit in practice and want to deepen their knowledge.

  • What do I presently work at?

    Sebastian: I help companies around the world by identifying side-effects and sources of error in their applications, even in legacy code, and then provide them with strategies to improve their software development.

  • Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?

    Sebastian: Companies and PHP developers around the world benefit from the tools that I have written.

  • What would I like to achieve?

    Sebastian: I want to share my experience with PHP developers and hope to make their life easier by showing them how to make better use of PHPUnit.

  • What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Sebastian: I have never been to Prague before and am looking forward to meet the Czech PHP community for the first time.

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Sebastian Bergmann

Co-Founder and Principal Consultant