Return On Investment On The Web
Business Hall 30 min
What is it about?
Vojta: The practical demonstration on how to connect corporate CRM data, Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, WLIP, Sklik, Google Analytics and MySQL into the one simple model on the GoodData platform, that allows you to measure the web and social networks ROI activity in money we did (not) earn from them.
What will the visitors get from it?
Vojta: The feeling that the money is the only improtant metric, and that everything else is just the bunch of empty words. You will see the data mashing is the way how to not go nuts of its raw amount. The attenders will be impressed of how incredibly easy everything is with the GoodData platform. They will be tempted to measure totally everything in money units.
For whom it is?
Vojta: For CXO level management and everyone who thinks the excel reports is becoming too much to handle.
What do I presently work at?
Vojta: Development of Keboola Connection which will change way how we see ETL. Writing diploma thesis for universal data storage with complex API for goverment. Making plans for a roadtripto Mongolia in my vintage 30y old Mercedes. Looking for reasons why things doesn't work.
Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?
Vojta: My ability to sustain years of heavy drinking.
What would I like to achieve?
Vojta: Fix the World.
What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?
Vojta: Eduard Kučera from the Avast. If he'll be there.
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