Web Performance
“Web Acceleration through Front End Optimization”
Development Hall 30 min
What is it about?
Hooman: Improving performance of web sites and web pages through Front End Optimization (FEO) techniques.
What will the visitors get from it?
Hooman: An overview of the performance problems that plague rendering of web pages. The session will cover the main areas of problems and ways to address the issues, covering techniques that will accelerate web sites.
For whom it is?
Hooman: Developers, web designers, and technologists that focus on developing web sites with performance in mind.
What do I presently work at?
Hooman: Web performance optimization and acceleration
Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?
Hooman: Helping customers make sites faster and measure the performance of their pages and their sites.
What would I like to achieve?
Hooman: Make sure all developers understand the business values of faster sites and to always develop with performance in mind
What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?
Hooman: Meeting and talking to developers and technologists from the Czech Republic and all over Europe.
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