Designing the organization...

“… or how to avoid the customer ruining everything you have created.”

Business Hall 45 min

Video sponsored by Websupport

  • What is the talk about?

    Eirik Hafver: The digital ecosystem plays a major role for every organization – both private and governmental – these days.

    Nevertheless: We fail to govern and maintain our digital landscape. It´s time for change, and the New Testament is all about organization development.

    This has to be a delivered in every successful project, or we will continue to fail.

  • Who is it for?

    Eirik Hafver: Everybody who loves his or her customers (consultants) or his or her company (in house).

  • What will the audience get from it?

    Eirik Hafver: Techniques for changing and developing the organization to make it able to adapt and succeed in the digital age.

  • What do you presently work at?

    Eirik Hafver: Developing and implementing a new web strategy for a huge governmental organization.

  • Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?

    Eirik Hafver: Let's focus on the future ...

  • What would you like to achieve?

    Eirik Hafver: To make myself redundant

  • What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Eirik Hafver: Oh, it´s a cliché! Still: Share knowledge and have a good time with you guys.

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Eirik Hafver Rønjum

Content strategist The Norwegian Directorate of Health