Documenting Interfaces
“On boarding someone new to a project can be time consuming. UI documentation is hard. Let's change that!”
Development Hall 45 min
Video sponsored by Websupport
What is the talk about?
Darcy: On boarding someone new to a foreign project can be time consuming. Creating a platform or project that is meant to be used by thousands of people, with many moving parts, dependancies and paradigms will gain zero traction if good documentation and resources aren't provided. To add to this, until now, generating UI documentation has been mostly neglected. Developers focus on documenting functionality in JavaScript while leaving out critical HTML and CSS techniques/paradigms. In my talk, I'll address this issue and dive into new tools and conventions that any front end project or team can implement easily and help others understand their thinking and architecture.
Who is it for?
Darcy: This talk is for both developers and designers and is aimed toward either who has experienced, or is experiencing, pains with documenting user interface or user experience paradigms for internal or external use.
What will the audience get from it?
Darcy: The audience will come away with a new toolset to help combat the issue of UI documentation.
What do you presently work at?
Darcy: I’m primarily a Front-end Developer who has been focused on creating amazing User Experiences, promoting web standards/best practices and developing useful tools for the design and development communities across the Mobile, Tablet and Desktop landscapes. I’m passionate about open source, yearn to create great developer tools and love being involved and engaged with these communities. I actively write about my experiences and insight, contribute to open source projects, and speak at conferences around the world.
Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?
Darcy: I'm most proud of the work I've done to highlight tips, tricks and techniques for developing within the modern web browser ecosystem. Originating from a talk I gave over a year ago, I was able to write these techniques into a featured article for the November 2012 issue of .Net Magazine.
What would you like to achieve?
Darcy: I would love to make it easier for developers and designers to document user interfaces. Communicating thought and interactive design is hard. I'd love to help facilitate a means, or provide tools to make it easier to do and be done well.
What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?
Darcy: I look forward to reaching out to a brand new audience and talking with developers and designers about their problems and solutions for working with the web.
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