How to improve UX by implementing accessibility

“By way of practical examples I would like to demonstrate how implementing accessibility could make life of your users easier and happier.”

Design Hall 20 min

Video sponsored by Websupport

  • What is the talk about?

    Radek: Extended version of

  • Who is it for?

    Radek: For everybody who wants to know how (and why) to implement accessibility to his or her web developement process and which benefits it brings.

  • What will the audience get from it?

    Radek: Information that accessibility is very closely connected with other web developement domains, that accessibility brings benefits to all users (similarly to the real world) and - last, but not least - that you gain advantage when you bear accessibility in mind.

  • What do you presently work at?

    Radek: My job is to help people make their websites and apps as accessible as possible.

  • Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?

    Radek: That I live a happy life, have freedom at work and that my job is my hobby (and vice versa ;)

  • What would you like to achieve?

    Radek: Considering accessibility, I would like to achieve that people will take accessibility as a common part of their working process.

  • What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Radek: Great atmosphere, networking, excelent speakers and their talks.

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Radek Pavlíček

Accessibility Consultant Blind Friendly Web