
“The Future of Marketing is not Marketing at All”

Business Hall 35 min

Video sponsored by Websupport

  • What is the talk about?

    Ron J: Last year US businesses spent $150-250B on marketing with almost 10% of that going to mobile advertising. And the mobile ad space is set to potentially triple this year. Super hot category right? Yes, but not as hot as the the one growing the fastest. Which, by the way, isn't even a category most people think of when they think of marketing. Because it's content. Why was $40B spent last year on content and conversations? What is it about the social web that pressures businesses to provide value FIRST and sales pitch second? Why is most advertising less and less effective in a world where expertise and trust are distributed throughout a person's increasingly connected world? Our attention is sought 10,000 times per day by brands, friends, LOLCats and more but our brains are simply not wired to process that growing volume of information. So we rely on pattern recognizing to prioritize messaging from trusted sources. What does that mean for startups, non-profits and businesses of all sizes? What will happen as the world of media shifts fully from a broadcast paradigm to a conversation paradigm. What are the simple ways that we can harness the democratizing powers of authentic conversation online? Come find out.

  • Who is it for?

    Ron J: Content strategists, marketers, product managers and anyone thinking about how to acquire new users or customers.

  • What will the audience get from it?

    Ron J: A fresh perspective and data on an emerging trend plus some hacks to drive better customer outreach and improve engagement.

  • What do you presently work at?

    Ron J: I am CEO & Co-Founder of Knodes. Our mission statement is "Connect the right people at the right moments to empower more rewarding and effective relationships." I run strategy and vision. I also supply the whiskey.

  • Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?

    Ron J: I got my wife to say yes to marrying me. 2nd place is that I once won a freestyle rap battle on stage at a De La Soul concert.

  • What would you like to achieve?

    Ron J: I want to help every person in the world feel more connected to other humans BY technology, not simply more connected TO technology.

  • What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Ron J: I look forward to the conversation.

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Ron J Williams

Co-Founder Knodes