Using Hadoop and HBase to Personalize Web, Mobile and Email Experience for Millions of Users
“Big Data Tools to Build Personalization”
Big Data & IoT Hall 30 min
Video sponsored by Websupport
What is the talk about?
Ameya: Mining data to personalize shopping or browsing is critical for enhancing the user experience. However its challenging enough to build personalized
content across millions of content choices for one user, let alone scaling this model up to hundreds of millions of users. This talk will cover how you can use open source big data technologies such as Hadoop and HBase to build infrastructure that can personalize real time user experience for web and mobile, and also offline personalization experience such as 'personalized' emails. We will also cover what are some of the challenges in scaling this to hundreds of millions of users. At the end of the talk we will cover small case
study on how we achieved all of the above at Groupon. -
Who is it for?
Ameya: If you are interested in how big data can change your business, and if you are interested in how to build big data applications, this presentation is for you!
What will the audience get from it?
Ameya: Learn basic building blocks of designing big data application
What do you presently work at?
Ameya: Working on building Deal Relevance and Personalization infrastructure at Groupon. Its interesting to build infrastructure that personalizes hundreds of millions of impressions across email, web and mobile platforms using insights from multi terabyte data store
Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?
Ameya: Got an opportunity work on really cool things!
What would you like to achieve?
Ameya: Work on cool things, that are not only cool from technology sense, but also add real business value!
What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?
Ameya: I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and experiencing Prague!
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