Web Design Pattern
“Basic design steps”
Design Hall 20 min
What is the talk about?
Lukáš: Web Design Pattern defines (web)design process, which would help a project team acknowledge the main phases and outputs of the project. It offers a fundamental approach for thinking during the creative process.
Who is it for?
Lukáš: The talk is for anybody interested in team cooperation and creation.
What will the audience get from it?
Lukáš: Web Design Pattern allows shifting the model of client cooperation, which would demand his full participation. Not only does the client receive the outcomes of creative process, he is also actively engaged in it by providing necessary inputs in the course of work. This attitude increases the overall project satisfaction and enables guiding a client through the process of creation. The proposed framework simplifies the communication between the client and web designer since both sides treat each other as equals.
What do you presently work at?
Lukáš: Civil society, pedagogy
Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?
Lukáš: Being
What would you like to achieve?
Lukáš: Being
What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?
Lukáš: Discussion
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