Why you need predictive models and recommender systems?

“Data science in your business”

Big Data & IoT Hall 30 min

Video sponsored by Websupport

  • What is the talk about?

    Pavel: I will briefly introduce recommender systems, predictive models and show several examples, how these technologies were adopted by successful companies.

    You will learn how to these technologies or segmentation techniques in your business.

    Data mining cloud services enable such advanced technologies even to small enterprises.

    You just need to know what is it good for, how to use it and how it can improve your business.

  • Who is it for?

    Pavel: Enterprisers, marketing managers, geeks, innovative minds.

  • What will the audience get from it?

    Pavel: Inspiration how to use advanced data mining technologies in their business.

  • What do you presently work at?

    Pavel: Data science laboratory

    New information system for CTU

    Portal for direct cooperation of students and industry

    Modgen startup company

    and habilitation :)

  • Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?

    Pavel: Master specialization Knowledge Engineering at FIT CTU focused on business intelligence and data science.
    Results of long term basic research materialized into products and a startup company Modgen.

  • What would you like to achieve?

    Pavel: Improve the world around me and make it smile.

  • What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Pavel: Interesting people, conversations, new links.

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Pavel Kordík

vice-dean for development Czech Technical University in Prague