A good designer knows it all, and the role of a designer can be complicated. They have to satisfy everyone around them from employer to new users who still don't know a thing about their product. At the same time, they can't allow too much "chatter" into their designs. Democracy doesn't belong in design. On the other hand, when something goes wrong, it's on them.
What can you do to manage in this environment? What forms of cooperation and communication work best? How do you set mutual expectations?
This interview with Petr Staníček will focus on selected chapters from his book, A Good Designer Knows It All, as well as his new experience at VIGO Group (Direct Insurance), where he is currently putting together a design team with whom he will design new products that people will love and enjoy using.
Petr Staníček is a web and computer application interface designer, analyst, and consultant. He has extensive experience with order processing for systems of all types and sizes - from banking products and web portals via online and mobile applications to small businesses and product presentation. He is also the author of the book, A Good Designer Knows It All!