The Power of Freemium in Design

Tomas Jasovsky Tomas Jasovsky sk Product Manager and Designer at InVision LABS


One of the keys to InVision's impressive success is our utilization of the freemium business model. By giving designers free options and features to make their creative process faster and more effective, we have successfully reached over 2 million users. This talk will cover contributions the InVision LABS team has created for the design community for free, while increasing the platform's own business value.

Tomas Jasovsky

Tomas Jasovsky

Product Manager and Designer InVision LABS

Tomas Jasovsky leads a team at InVision LABS best known for its free suite of tools for creative professionals called Craft. InVision LABS focuses on experiments in the product design industry with the intent to solve the challenges designers face creating the screens and digital products of tomorrow. Previously, Tomas served as a product designer for several startups while working on a variety of personal projects.

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