Do not use Git as SVN!

“How to use options of Git to set workflow in the team and to avoid errors”

Development Hall 60 min


  • What is it about?

    Vašek: My lecture is going to be on development workflow for companies which are using (or which want to use) Git. A lot of companies started to use Git instead of SVN or CVS, new companies are choosing Git (or Mercurial) almost naturally, but mostly they are not able to use everything Git has to offer. Git, thanks to its flexibility, does not force a particular workflow, which is a great advantage, but it is needed to specify custom workflow. In my lecture I want to introduce several possible approaches and compare their impact on project development. I am going to introduce workflow, on which we settled down in Medio approximately year ago and we are using it successfully since then and some variants of this which can fit other companies more. Among these variants certainly belongs Git-flow, which you may know.

  • What will the visitors get from it?

    Vašek: Overview about possibiities of Git and approaches how to use it in different types of companies. In the beginning I am going to talk about best-practices for working with Git, because it is very closely linked to correct workflow and its maintaining.

    We are going to go through classic problems, which occur in different stages of development and I am going to show how to prevent them. This means team coordination, code integration and deployment.

  • For whom it is?

    Vašek: For visitors from small or midle sized companies where they are trying to figure out how people (2+) should cooperate on one project. Lots of people have asked me about this topic lately. I am going to take these questions from specific people and projects into account when preparing my lecture - they have a lot in common.

    I hope the lecture is going to be intreresting for developers (who should be using version control system on a daily basis), but also for other members of the team such as coders and graphic designers. For the project/team leaders this should be interesting too, because they can discover possibilities of Git, which can help (or preferably) prevent problematic situations.

  • What do I presently work at?

    Vašek: I work at Medio Interactive as a senior developer. I am taking care of quality of development - both from the perspective of correct programming techniques and also by defining particular workflow, processing project analyses, creating wireframes and leading projects. I am also leading courses of Git and advanced development and testing of applications. I am studying for engeneering degree at CTU FEL OI.

  • Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?

    Vašek: I have been working at Medio almost since it was founded and I was always supporting 'doing the things right', so that we can profit in the long term. I think we managed to do that, because now it is pleasure to work here. We do not have to deal with problems with our programming language etc. and we can focus solely on our projects. Projects we have been working on so far are quite large, but thanks to our workflow and tools they are not difficult to maintain.

  • What would I like to achieve?

    Vašek: When I started working in web development I did everyting - programming, coding, "graphics" etc. Then I started to focus just on programming, but now I am trying to have overview and be open to new technologies and posibilities. I am considering them from the critical view of practicality. I am trying to keep my overview quite wide at the expense of deep knowledge.

  • What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Vašek: As every year I am looking forward to Webexpo mainly because of networking, it is a great opportunity to meet my friends and "colleagues", who I can not meet during the year regulary. This year I am excited even more, because I could't attend the action last year baucase of health isssues.

    I am taking top quality lectures granted - for me they are useful mainly to broaden my overview and as an impulse which new technologies I can look into. I am grateful that on WebExpo there are lectures from foreign speakers too, because there are not many occasions where you can hear them personally and talk with them afterwards.

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Vašek Purchart

Senior Developer, Project Manager Medio Interactive