Shell's Kitchen

“Server provisioning and configuration with Chef (cloud-flavor).”

Development Hall 60 min


  • What is it about?

    Karel: The talk will outline principles of “configuration management”, ie. a repeatable, automated way to maintain technical infrastructure. It will explain the main concepts, such as cookbook, recipe, data bag, knife, etc. and we will walk through the most common use cases, as well as advanced techniques and tricks.

    In the second part, we'll present a practical demo how to use the Chef provisioning tool [] to bootstrap, configure and maintain servers, using the most accessible cloud platform, Amazon EC2.

  • What will the visitors get from it?

    Karel: The audience should get a clear understanding how provisioning tools can be part of their development processes, and how to effectively use them. They should walk away with a hands-on experience how to use the Opscode Chef tool to maintain single servers or large server clusters.

  • For whom it is?

    Karel: The talk is targeted at the operations staff, system administrators as developers, but will be beneficial for project managers, architects, CIOs and support staff as well.

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Karel Minařík

Web Application Developer and Architect Freelance

Vojtěch Hýža

Independent Software Developer Ataxo