It's People, Not Numbers

“Great service design can be done even in the Czech Republic. We are writing a book about that, join us!”

Design Hall 30 min


  • What is it about?

    Adam: We will first analyze the shift towards experience economy and also the reasons why the Czech customers are in a bad mood right now. Then we will discuss what service design is and how it can help. Finally, we will introduce a new book on the topic and ask you to take part. The lecture will be delivered in Czech.

  • What will the visitors get from it?

    Adam: There are three things you can get from the presentation: 1) Overview of trends shaping Czech market; 2) Introduction to service design and its methods; 3) Option to join a new project in that area.

  • For whom it is?

    Adam: The presentation will be interesting for all of those who aim at delivering great services and who care about people they do the services for. This usually includes marketers, webdesigners, product managers, sales reps but that definition seems to be really limited. Who is not working in services today, right?

  • What do I presently work at?

    Adam: I currently re-design the services delivered by the South Moravian Innovation Center (JIC). Alongside, I help companies in the incubator with service design and user experience. On top of that, I'm involved in few other servicedesign-related projects with both small and large comapnies.

  • Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?

    Adam: We did a good job at JIC in the past year. This included launching a couple of new services, changing the way we communicate and developing a new strategic direction. What I also value is two books I translated on copyright and service design in the last two years. Finally, this year we took a great research trip across Czech academic libraries with a bunch of enthusiastic librarians to see how the service design is.

  • What would I like to achieve?

    Adam: There is a great potential for making great services in the Czech Republic. My goal is to help uncovering it.

  • What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Adam: Webexpo is always a place to one meet interesting folks with great variety of backgrounds. I'm lookinf forward to random meetings, new informations and the genius loci which cannot be delivered by the digital universe we otherwise live in.

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Adam Hazdra

Consultant Jihomoravské inovační centrum