How-to write Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8 apps with shared core
“Build for both”
Development Hall 30 min
What is the talk about?
Štěpán: Write Windows 8.1 app or Windows Phone 8 app? What about to write app for both using Portable library. You will see some basic techniques how-to write multiplatform apps using Portable libraries.
Who is it for?
Štěpán: For Windows Developers
What will the audience get from it?
Štěpán: How-to use Portable library
How-to use some uncommon C# functionality
How-to use MVVM design pattern -
What do you presently work at?
Štěpán: I am Technical Evangelist at Microsoft in professional live and IoT hobbyist and cook in personal live.
Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?
Štěpán: My work
What would you like to achieve?
Štěpán: Speak more about IoT
What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?
Štěpán: Meet people
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