Big Data and Cloud - Better Together?
“2 + 2 is not always 4. Sometimes it's 3 and sometimes 5.”
Big Data & IoT Hall 30 min
Video sponsored by Websupport
What is the talk about?
Michael: Big Data solutions enable distributed processing and fault-tolerant storage environment for huge amounts of data. Cloud computing changes economy of IT by enabling flexible on-demand consumption from large pools of shared resouces. These two trends (or buzzwords?) promise to be driving forces of changes in IT industry. But there are inherent contradictions in their architecture principles and some of their aspects really do not play well together. This talk will try to explain synergies and conficts of both concepts and will show how Azure implementation of Hadoop tries to solve them.
Who is it for?
Michael: This is presentation is for anyone processing huge amounts of data (e.g. web logs).
What will the audience get from it?
Michael: This presentation will (hopefully) give you understanding of pros and cons of running Big Data solutions in cloud.
What do you presently work at?
Michael: Right now, we are re-writing some applications and moving them into cloud. It is really exciting to see all the benefits (and sometimes experience drawbacks :-)
Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?
Michael: Previously, I worked a lot on application lifecycle management improvements with many companies. It was always great pleasure to see how it helps.
What would you like to achieve?
Michael: This question is too tricky :-)
What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?
Michael: This kind of conferences are ideal for broadening one's knowledge by getting into areas that are more distant from my current specialization.
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