How big is big data hype?

“Intro for everyone who doesn't know what big data really is”

Big Data & IoT Hall 15 min

  • What is the talk about?

    Vojta: There are many ways how we can approach big data and how to define them. I will present the most up-to-date trends in a way that even someone who never heard this overhyped buzzword will get basic understanding what is going on.

  • Who is it for?

    Vojta: Everyone

  • What will the audience get from it?

    Vojta: Introduction to the world of big data.

  • What do you presently work at?

    Vojta: Keboola Connection - set of tools to help other companies implement GoodData platform much faster.

  • Which of your existing achievements do you value the most?

    Vojta: None. I like them all in the same way.

  • What would you like to achieve?

    Vojta: To help all other people understand their inner Hitler.

  • What do you look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Vojta: Discomfort zone. I heard it's some secret project and I hope I won'ut miss it.

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Vojta Roček

Data Analyst Keboola